31 October, 2018

2018 competitions: Club competition

A rainy afternoon set the scene for my club’s annual competition. Despite the weather, enthusiastic dancers and supporters welcomed the dazzling display of physie. The late afternoon to early evening event showcased the talents of girls from preschoolers to ladies. This year the ladies’ class had over 20 members with most participating in this event leading up to teams and champion lady the following weekend.

I enjoyed watching each age groups’ routines and seeing the girls grow up each year. This year also introduced a front facing audience. Although last year’s club competition had the audience to the front, they were seated well above eye level. With the audience in direct sight this year, it took a few moments to settle and focus at times. Little did I know that this was preparation for the following week’s zone competition also with an audience at the front. The club event had the annual men’s marching challenge where male friends and family participated in a round of marching. Their siblings, partners or family members made great instructors, teaching their men how to have nice pointed feet and stride to the music. This year I also had a go at the BjPop which is the association's leisure dance for all ages. Since the ladies had not learnt the choreography in class, a few of us stood in the back row and followed along. It was amusing and in a few moments we'd struck our end poses.

The annual march past where all girls and ladies wore a sash displaying the medals received during their physie careers was held during this day. My sash was embellished with eleven shiny medals and I would earn one more the following weekend with my novice team. As usual, I had labelled my medals with a sticker at the back. Afterwards, the club photo was taken. The evening ended with awards presented to age champions, best performances, marching champions and the overall club champion. Congratulations to all the girls and ladies who danced on the day.

Read about my previous competitions here:

Club competition 2016 
2018 interclubs
Interclub #1 2016 (my very first interclub competition)

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