28 March, 2019

New Lycra!

I've been wearing my 2016 leotard to all physie occasions since I've started except for my first practice competition where F generously lent me her leotard and tights. Routinely, for the past three years I have entered the lollipop (practice) competition, two interclubs, club competition and zones. All together that's been 14 competitions which I have worn my trusty, shiny, bright, Eden style leotard. Thinking about it retrospectively, each competition (in addition any entry fees) actually had the added cost of attire. The leotard cost $87.50 and fishnets $45.00, that's nearly $10 for attire at each of my 14 competitions. A lot of physie clubs advertise its affordability compared to other dance styles which is true, however, if you're collecting different colours and styles then costs may add up. 

Leotard try-ons were last week and I'd managed to try all five leotard styles. Three years ago I would have been hesitant with a plastic clasp. However, three out of five styles this year had clasps. I tried on a few coloured bodystockings to gauge which colours were suitable. Despite trying on all the leotards, I ordered the style and colour which I had envisioned even before going to try-on day. I am looking forward to receiving my new lycra leotard soon. Secretly I hope that I go to nationals so that I can wear my leotard a sixth time this year. I guess I will schedule my next leotard for 2022!

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