23 February, 2020

2019 Competitions: Champion lady @ Zone (part 3/3)

Following the team competitions, the beginner, novice and intermediate ladies registered for the individual Champion Lady heats and received a participation medal. Grouping the heats was done in the usual process of lining up with our clubmates, then splitting off into equal heats. Initially, the Intermediate Ladies were grouped into 5 heats. However, we had to re-group into 4 heats of around 17 ladies in each! Once in our heats we drew playing cards for the marching order, but because each heat had more participants than anticipated, I missed out on a card and marched towards the back of the line.

That afternoon, I made it to the semi-finals. I was excited to hear my number selected since I hadn't made the semi-finals since 2016 as a beginner lady where I placed. I was in the front row for the Exercises routine in both heats and semi-finals. Luckily, I was most confident with Exercises so when we turned to the corner and no one was in my peripheral vision, I did not hesitate.

After the semi-finals, I didn't progress further. I ate more snacks and headed to the grandstands to watch the finals. What a spectacular day of physie! Well done to all the dancers, teachers, volunteers and supporters!

You may also like:

Part 1: The lead-up
Part 2: Teams

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